We began our route, in the Valley of Zamanzas, between forest of beech trees and oaks, with the observation of Black Redstart, Chaffinch, and Pied Wagtail. In the direction of Campino village, we observed in the cliffs, groups of Red-billed Chough harassed by a Kestrel, as well as the Griffon Vultures located in the cornices.
In the Campino moore, the Skylarks sing untiring, and the movements of small groups of Yellowhammer (Avibase) are observed match and Linnet. The Jays and Magpie are observed the route throughout. The wind in the Ebro’s reservoid and the height of their waters, avoids that we observe more species, even so are let see, Buzzards, the first Black Kites of the season, White Storks, Bullfinch, Yellow-legged Gull, Great Crested Grebe.
In the elevated zone more of Sta. Gadea, a Crossbill between the pines is let observe to please, by the zone, Crag Martin, Stonechat and Black Redstart.
Within the mount forest Hijedo, it sings a Short-toed Treecreeper and we observed a Goldcrest.
Of return, within the river Ebro canyons, Griffon Vultures , Red-billed Chough and Egyptian Vulture.
Others birds observed during the route: Robin, Great and Blue Tit, Carrion Crow, Barn Swallow, Spotless Starling, Mallard, Great Spotled Woodpecker and three birds of Eurasian Collared Dove one with characteristic of albino bird.
Hi there, just wandering the blogosphere and I found your blog. I really enjoy how this all works.
This is one to watch.
Many thanks,
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