SACRE Winter VN4040

New project of monitoring on wintering birds.
Square VN4040, meadows, oaks, berries, crags and the river Ebro.
Monitoring in the long term, obtaining information about the bird species that spend the winter in Spain. (Sacre Invierno)

Sacre Invierno

After finishing the Atlas of wintering birds, this it is the following challenge.
Realizing eight routes of 15 minutes each.

Spotless Starling

List of Birds
European Robin
Song Thrush
Mistle Thrush
Wood Pigeon
Great Tit
Blue Tit
Long-tailed Tit
Spotless Starling
Common Buzzard
Great Spotted Woodpecker
Green Woodpecker
Griffon Vulture
Carrion Crow
Common Chaffinch
Cirl Bunting

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