The weather has changed, and has lowered to something the temperature, but even so in the heat of apogee of the spring the birds do not stop in their songs. In a brief stroll, it is possible to find a great amount us of males who try to attract the attention of the females and to delimit their territories of breeding.
We can listen to the song of Black Redstart, Cetti’s Warbler, Song Thrush, Blackbird, Blackcap, Iberian Chiffchaff, Greater and Blue Tit, Common Chafinch….., but the call of European Nuthatch is very characteristic a very strong call, high-pitched ; the showy song of the Tree Pipit, to which it accompanies once in a while with a flight that is tremendously showy.
Without doubt one of the sound more showy than we can listen at this time is the drum which they emit the woodpeckers when striking on hollow trunks, with it are able to call the attention of other males, indicating, mainly as it is his territory. The two more frequent species are the Great Spotted woodpecker and the Green Woodpecker, this morning I have been able to observe like a Great Spotted woodpecker, located at the top of black poplar, has been perforated on the trunk, until it has located a zone, possibly hollow, where the sound was greater, once found, has been for more than half an hour to drumming , emitting a sound that their same types know very well what means.
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